• “洛杉矶,怎么说呢,就像一个四处散落等着人来拼的巨大拼图。”布兰登说道。加州洛城,半山腰好莱坞字样的倒影下,浸润在镁光灯中的夜色。性别模糊,标签尽撕,只有温温润润的亲情和爱情在四散的追梦人之间来回流动。灯红酒绿中,我只看向迷茫的你,她?还是他?逐渐清晰坚定的目光中,原来只是你爱我,这么简单。在外漂泊的科里接到好基友布兰登的电话,让他去LA助其迈出柜子的第一步。科里在gay吧遇到刚和女友吵完架的拉拉加比,两人在酒精作用下玩了场车震,事情开始朝着有点奇怪的方向发展。一部讲述性向是可以流动的,出柜与反出柜的轻松喜剧。  QAF
  • 盔甲

    A good solid film for only a million dollar budget. The plot is believable and right along the same lines as Mission Impossible 2...and this movie came out 2 years before MI2. Maybe MI2 saw this and copied it on a big scale. Ron Pearlman is as sinister as he always is and Clint Howard plays the same quirky, goofball he is so good at. Annabelle Schofield and Morgan Brittany are sexy and fun to watch.